exercising - Ortopedia dello Sport del Prof. Luigi Gatta.

Prof. Luigi Gatta - PI: 04473651000
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Americans Who Exercise Most Feel Best About Appearance
Link between exercising regularly and feeling good about appearance

by Justin McCarthy - WASHINGTON, D.C.

Americans who report exercising for 30 minutes every day in the past week feel best about their physical appearance, while those who exercise no more than one day in a given week feel the worst.

Seventy percent of Americans who exercised for at least 30 minutes every day the prior week express agreement that they "always feel good" about their appearance, compared with half of those who say they exercised for at least 30 minutes one day (50%) or no days (49%).

For the most part, each additional day per week that Americans exercise for 30 minutes or more is associated with at least a small increase in feeling good about their appearance.

Gallup - Healthways Well-Being Index Jan.1-June 23, 2014

(n.d.r. by L.G.: l'apparenza, spesso non inganna, ma conferma lo stato di benessere percepito con quello obiettivo.)

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