ormonoobesita - Ortopedia dello Sport del Prof. Luigi Gatta.

Prof. Luigi Gatta - PI: 04473651000
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Un nuovo ormone prodotto dall'attività motoria, può combattere Obesità e Diabete
Exercise Hormone May Fight Obesity and Diabetes

A newly discovered hormone produced in response to exercise may be turning people’s white fat brown, a groundbreaking new study suggests, and in the process lessening their susceptibility to obesity, diabetes and other health problems.

The study, published in Nature and led by researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, provides remarkable new insights into how exercise affects the body at a cellular level.

January 11, 2012,By GRETCHEN REYNOLDS Getty.

n.d.r. by L.G.: una bella novità che non modifica, ma conferma quanto già dimostrato riguardo la capitale importanza di un adeguato "stile di vita - motoria".

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